Accueil Remote

Average seeing

Clear nights per year
180 - 240

Average humidity

2 785m

Our company HAWK, composed exclusively of passionate astrophotographers, gives you the opportunity to take advantage of one of the best astronomical observation sites in the northern hemisphere to exercise your passion in optimal conditions.

Located in the Oukaimeden observatory 80 km south of Marrakech in the mountains of the great Moroccan Atlas, our observatory culminates at 2785 m altitude next to professional observatories of world renown (TRAPPIST, MOSS, OWL…) who have made their home in the middle of toubkal national park.

Explore the universe like never before by renting our piers to place your telescopes in. Please contact us by email at, for more details on the terms of our HAWK End User Agreement. Also enjoy memorable starry nights with the rental service of our carefully prepared and configured telescopes, without the high costs of purchasing equipment. Book your telescope from our section: Remote.

In addition to practicing contemplative astrophotography, you will have the opportunity if you wish to integrate our Pro/Am cooperation with CADI AYYAD University to conduct scientific research companions on different astrophysical phenomena, such as GRB, exoplanet, star occultation, and other topics of scientific interest. These scientific companions often result in publications in renowned scientific journals, such as NATURE and THE ASTROPHISICAL JOURNAL.

Since our first observatory (HAO) installed in 2021 in the Oukaimeden site, we have not stopped immortalizing the wonders of the deep sky, and even do several discoveries that, beyond their artistic representation, have been of great interest to the scientific community.

Here are some astrophotography taken from the Oukaimeden observatory by members of our company.

Pillars of Creation

New discovery: Atlas Nebula
Mostly shoot in Oukaimeden

Coma Galaxy Cluster

New discovery: Nereides Nebula


Une aventure extraordinaire ...
Fin mai, 3000 km de routes pour finir dans un endroit magique pour tout amoureux du ciel et des étoiles : المرصد الفلكي أوكايمدن - Oukaimeden Observatory au Maroc
On y a installé deux set-up : un Nikkor 200mm/f2 et une TOA130
Au delà du coté technique, ce fût, l'espace de quelques jours, une rencontre humaine avec des personnes exceptionnelles sans lesquelles rien n'aurait été possible
Un grand merci à Aziz et Samir pour leur bienveillant accueil, Omar et Brahim pour leur gentillesse et compétences techniques, Richard, le roi du tilt et surtout Emmanuel pour me dépatouiller de mes obscures (in)compétences informatiques 😄
Et je n'oublie pas mes voisins de pied avec qui j'ai partagé les joies multiples d'une installation en remote 😵‍💫🤓🤯 : Nicola et Didier
Mon souvenir le plus marquant a été, lorsque en pleine nuit, la tête dans les étoiles, le chant du Muezzin s'est mis a résonné dans toute la vallée ... une ambiance sacrée!

Stephane Vetter